Monday, July 12, 2010

Tool #5

Social Bookmarking is very interesting. It lets you see what others have already found and lets you share information with colleagues and friends. I had a great time looking at diigo and delicious. I set an account on diigo, but needed a lot of help. I did get a little lost. I think with more practice it will become easier. I keep getting google reader and social bookmarking confused.

I found these sites for music teachers:

Music Teacher Resources

Activity Preschool Songs

The tags I used were: music,teacher, preschool and elementary.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I was trying to navigate to the links that you posted - thhe Music Teacher Resources & Activity Preschool songs. It seems as though I need to login as you to be able to access this link. You might want to check to see if there is a way that you can change the link so that it is clickable by others without having to login.

    One other trick that I do when I blog is that I link the web url (address) to the name of the website. When you are blogging there is a tool button about 6 spots from the left at the top of the edit blog box (It is directly to the left of the LEFT ALIGN icon.) It is LINK button. When you HIGHLIGHT text (the name of your web address like diigo or Delicious) and click the LINK button, you can copy & paste the web address into the popup box. Then, when your blog is posted, people can click on the link to the websites that you found.

    I know that this sounds difficult, but it truly isn't! If you want to go back and get help with this, let me know! Looks like you have done a great job!
